Commercial Landscaping Blog


Want to see eyes roll and heads shake? Just walk into a room full of Kentucky property managers and mention grass problems.

Many people believe lush, green turf is the hallmark of a healthy landscape—and grass is such a simple-looking plant, it...

Few things reflect better on a property than a well-maintained summer landscape. Whether you have a retail parking lot, an outdoor break area for employees, or a more extensive campus, having healthy, properly weeded and trimmed trees, plants, and...

Have you ever wondered why weeds are so common in some lawns but not in others? The absence of weeds in turf is not all about fertilizers and herbicides. Rather, weeds are symptoms of unhealthy soil and improper growing conditions for turf. By...

Klausing Group is committed to the health and safety of our customers and our employees. Being good stewards of the land is a powerful way to protect our health and safety. We know landscapes can do more, and sometimes there is addition through...

Following summer, the lawn on your Kentucky property has weathered heat, dry spells and high traffic. The natural consequence of these inevitable conditions is tired-out turf. We’re talking about bare spots and thinning grass. Insects and disease...

If it seems as though pests and diseases in the Lexington and Louisville landscape have become more problematic, it is more than just anecdotal conjecture. Researchers have docume

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