Klausing Group News & Culture Blog

Roscoe Klausing

Roscoe Klausing
Roscoe is the founder and owner of Klausing Group. He has been involved in the Green Industry since 1992 serving on numerous industry association committees and advisory boards. He became Central Kentucky’s first Landscape Industry Certified Professional in 2000 and in 2014 was named to the elite status of industry Trailblazer by the National Association of Landscape Professionals.

Recent Posts

New Board of Directors | NALP - GUEST

“Life is a garden. Dig it,” says Dwight Hammons, borrowing a quote from Joe Dirt that illustrates his own passion for the outdoors and creating meaningful outdoor spaces for clients. Dwight is Klausing Group’s Production Manager and a six-year...

Trenton Noel started working in a small garden center in Georgetown called Landscape Alternatives as part of a high school co-op program, and he immediately was drawn to the plants and people. “In the beginning, I did a lot of basic plant...

Dan Stever, Klausing Group’s Director of Employee Development and Outreach, has been elected to the Lexington Tree Board. The Tree Board is a champion of trees and their environmental, economic and social benefits for our community. The board...

Roscoe Klausing and Dan Stever were guests on last week's episode of GreenWaves radio, a production of Bluegrass GreenSource. The program airs weekly on Lexington Community Radio's 93.9 WLXU.

If you missed the live, on air conversation about green...

You can bet that any employer worth their weight is screening their applicants to ensure they make the best hires but, are you screening them? Wouldn't it be great if you could "test drive" an employer before accepting their job offer? Maybe speak...

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