Commercial Landscaping Blog



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If you spend most days in Lexington, almost all of the plants you see were planted by landscapers or homeowners (that nasty free-seeding honeysuckle and our remarkable pre-settlement oaks and ashes excepted). The trees, lawns, and hedges might seem...

Boxwood blight, or boxwood leaf drop, is a relatively new fungal plant disease that was first identified in the UK in the 1990’s. Since then it has spread to many areas of the world, and has become a disease of great concern in the U.S.


At times, Klausing Group’s goal of leading the landscape industry means returning to an old practice rather than inventing a new one. Fallen leaves are a valuable resource, and the industry’s practice of removing them is often not the most...

Should gas powered leaf blowers be banned? In arecent argumentposted by 'The Atlantic,' journalist James Fallows says, “Yes, they should.” He points out the dangerous level of noise emitted by hand-held, gas-powered blowers, and argues that...

Plant selection is never an easy choice. There's the old adage of right plant, right place. But what criteria make a plant the right choice?

There’s something about summer color in the landscape—a property comes alive with bright pops of vibrant reds, pinks, purples, yellows and variegated foliage that adds texture. Annuals keep the landscape interesting because you can change out...

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